

Debes estar confundida

You must be confused

O había un tipo igualito a mi

Or you had a guy identical to me

Te cuentan que me vieron paseando en la ciudad

They tell you that they saw me walking in the city

Con una ropa fina y con cara de galán

With fancy clothes and with a handsome face

Mirando a toda esas chicas pasar frente a mí

Watching all those girls passing in front of me

Pero eso es imposible yo nunca estuve allí

But that's impossible I was never there

Cuando no estás conmigo yo me porto bien

When you are not with me I behave well

Me quedo encerrado viendo la TV

I stay shut away watching TV

No salgo ni a la esquina

I don't even go to the corner

Ni hablo con mi vecina

I don't even speak with my neighbor

Aunque no te lo niego

Although I won't deny it to you

Sigue estando divina

She is still divine

Esas son puras mentiras

Those are pure lies

Esa noche yo no andaba allí

That night I wasn't there

Debes estar confundida

You must be confused

O había un tipo igualito a mi

Or you had a guy identical to me

Esas son puras mentiras

Those are pure lies

Esa noche yo no andaba allí

That night I wasn't there

Debes estar confundida

You must be confused

O había un tipo igualito a mi

Or you had a guy identical to me

Me dices que me viste en una página web

You tell me that you saw me on a web page

Con dos jevas al lado y una birra también

With two girls next to me and also a beer

Que estaba muy contento y como distraído

That I was very happy and distracted

Te juro yo esa hora estaba más que dormido

I swear at that time I was more than asleep

No sé de qué me hablas

I don't know what you're saying

Yo no sé qué pasa

I don't know what's happening

Tú siempre por ahí

You're always there

Y yo tranquilo en mi casa

And I'm calm in my house

Leyendome unos libros para poder comprender

Reading some books to be able to understand

Como debo tratarte y entenderte mujer

How I should treat you and understand you woman

Esas son puras mentiras

Those are pure lies

Esa noche yo no andaba allí

That night I wasn't there

Debes estar confundida

You must be confused

O había un tipo igualito a mi

Or you had a guy identical to me

Igualito a mi

Identical to me



Mentira mira mira mira

Lie look look look

Esas son puras mentiras

Those are pure lies

Esa noche yo no andaba allí

That night I wasn't there

Debes estar confundida

You must be confused

O había un tipo igualito a mi

Or you had a guy identical to me

Esas son puras mentiras

Those are pure lies

Esa noche yo no andaba allí

That night I wasn't there

Yo no andaba, yo no andaba allí

I wasn't, I wasn't there

Debes estar confundida

You must be confused

O había un tipo igualito a mi

Or you had a guy identical to me