12 most interesting Spanish song lyrics
Learn interesting facts with this selection of great Spanish lyrics that will spark your curiosity.
When you get bored, you stop paying attention. This is especially true when learning Spanish if you only focus on the grammar rules and textbooks.
What you need are these 12 fascinating Spanish lyrics that will keep you curious, engaged and involved.
Click on the lyrics below to check out the entire song, complete with Spanish lyrics and English translations.
1High - Rawayana feat. Apache
In these lyrics, Rawayana invites you to widen your horizons and to open your mind by getting to know two of the greatest artists of all time.
Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dalí and reggae legend Bob Marley.
💬 Lyrics:
Y pégate en trip
And stick to the trip
Como en el arte lo hacía Dalí
Like in the art Dalí made
No hay prejuicios aquí, no
There are no prejudices here, no
Robert Nesta Marley te lo decía así
Robert Nesta Marley told you so
Music 🎵 and art 🎨 go hand to hand. Admiring some of Dalí’s paintings while listening to Spanish lyrics is a great combination!
📚 Fun Facts:
Salvador Dalí was known for his eccentric mustache and Bob Marley for his dreadlocks.
2Robarte un Beso - Carlos Vives feat. Sebastian Yatra
Have you ever felt mariposas en el estómago (butterflies in the stomach)?
This phenomenon is caused by a rush of adrenalin which restricts blood flow in the gut – Check out these Spanish lyrics by Carlos Vives in Robarte un Beso.
💬 Lyrics:
Sé que sientes mariposas
I know you feel butterflies
Yo también sentí sus alas
I also felt their wings
Now you’ve learned some science as well as the Spanish words la mariposa (butterfly) and los alas (wings). 🦋
3Suerte - Shakira
There are times when you feel like you could do anything for that special someone.
Shakira takes this to the extreme in her Spanish lyrics for Suerte!! ⛰️
💬 Lyrics:
Yo puedo escalar los Andes solo
I can climb the Andes just
Por ir a contar tus lunares
To go count your moles
4La Vuelta al Mundo - Calle 13
Have you ever felt like you want to go explore the world instead of working at an office?
If so, then you need to listen to the Spanish lyrics in Calle 13’s song La Vuelta al Mundo, where they invite you to grab your backpack and go explore the world. ✈️
💬 Lyrics:
La renta, el sueldo
The income, the salary
El trabajo en la oficina
The work in the office
Lo cambié por las estrellas
I exchanged it for the stars
Me escape de la rutina
I escaped from the routine
Para pilotear mi viaje
To pilot my journey
5Rubia Sol Morena Luna - Caramelos de Cianuro
The Spanish lyrics in this song by Caramelos de Cianuro are a cautionary tale about infidelity.
Check out the lyrics below which portray two women, one rubia sol (sun blonde) and the other morena luna (moon brunette). One of them good 😇, the other bad 😈 - but the singer can’t choose between them!
💬 Lyrics:
Una toma Prozac como Tic-Tac
One takes Prozac like Tic-Tacs
Los pasa con Coñac y con Balzac
She takes them with Cognac and with Balzac
La otra le gusta Arjona y Coelho
The other likes Arjona and Coelho
Juega con su pelo quiere ser modelo
She plays with her hair and wants to be a model
Si uno es soledad y dos son compañía
If one means solitude and two means company
Tres es como jugar a los espías
Three is like playing spies
6Mentiras - Los Amigos Invisibles
Sometimes, trying to understand your other half can be difficult! In these Spanish lyrics, Los Amigos Invisibles talk about trying to understand women by reading books. 🤷
I think this guy needs more than a book!!
💬 Lyrics:
Y yo tranquilo en mi casa
And I'm calm in my house
Leyendome unos libros para poder comprender
Reading some books to be able to understand
Cómo debo tratarte y entenderte mujer
How I should treat you and understand you woman
You will also learn some very useful verbs like leyendo (reading), tratar (to treat) and entender (to understand).
7Bastará - Los Cafres
Are you ready for some more science?! Maybe you’re familiar with the water cycle - water evaporates, forms into clouds and then falls back down to earth as rain. 🌧️
Well now you can learn it in Spanish, using these Spanish lyrics from the song Bastará.
💬 Lyrics:
Yo me transformo en agua
I transform into water
Sólo por subir al cielo y volver
Just to go up to the sky and come back
A caer en tus ojos
To fall in your eyes
Now you know how to explain the water cycle with words like transformar (to transform), subir (to come up), and caer (to fall).
💡 Top Tip:
Pick a topic you're interested and search the web for it using the Spanish terms. For example, search "ciclo del agua".
8Internacionales - Bomba Estéreo
This song celebrates multiculturalism and the fact that we all have different roots.
Click on the Spanish lyrics below to listen to the full song. 🎵
💬 Lyrics:
Mezclados, somos mezclados
Mixed, we're mixed
La misma historia con otro sabor
The same history with another flavor
Venimos de todos lados
We come from everywhere
Con baile, ritmo y mucho color
With dance, rhythm and lots of color
9Despiértate - Helena Cros
Had enough of someone? These are the perfect Spanish lyrics for you!
Helena Cros doesn’t mince her words, especially when she says ya no vuelvas mas (don’t come back anymore)! 😢
💬 Lyrics:
Oye! Que estás haciendo? No te comprendo
Hey! What are you doing? I don't understand you
Vete! Que estoy sufriendo
Go away! I'm suffering
Ya no vuelvas mas
Don't come back anymore
10Eres Para Mí - Julieta Venegas
Take a look at these Spanish lyrics in Eres Para Mí.
I think the singer may have a few imaginary firends!! Especially as she says me lo ha dicho el viento (the wind has told me) and lo oigo todo el tiempo (I hear it all the time).
💬 Lyrics:
Eres para mí, me lo ha dicho el viento
You're for me, the wind has told me
Eres para mí, lo oigo todo el tiempo
You're for me, I hear it all the time
Eres para mí, me lo ha dicho el viento
You're for me, the wind has told me
At least after listening to this song you’ll be able to say eres para mí (you’re for me) to that special someone!
11Bailando Solo - Los Bunkers
Click on the Spanish lyrics below to see the drama unfold in this tale of childhood sweethearts. ❤️
💬 Lyrics:
Ahora que estás aquí en medio de la soledad
Now that you're here in the middle of loneliness
Bailando solo en la oscuridad
Dancing alone in the dark
Te vas a acostumbrar
You're going to get used
A ver toda la vida pasar
To seeing all life pass by
Igual que una promesa al anochecer
Like a promise at nightfall
12Morir Tres Veces - Moenia
The last in our list of 12 most interesting Spanish song lyrics comes from Morir Tres Veces by Moenia.
💬 Lyrics:
Que ya no quieres ni una noche más
That you no longer want one more night
Que esta novela ya llegó al final
That this novel already came to an end
Very fitting, given that our time together llegó al final (came to an end).
💡 Top Tip:
Pick your favourite Spanish song lyrics from the list above. Listen a few times, then write out the lyrics by hand. ✏️ This will help the vocabulary make its way into your long term memory.
That’s it for today! There are many more songs you can listen to right here on Spanish Mix - where you can find your very own interesting Spanish lyrics!
Don’t forget to share your new found knowledge with friends and family. And don’t forget to share this post with them if you think they can learn something interesting too!